In supporting a good friend in an online film series, Ithaca Studios gets to add a new logo design to its portfolio that will travel through various social media. Follow Black Girl Single at with the logo as the Facebook cover photo as well as in this teaser trailer on YouTube displaying the logo at the end. On September 28th Indiegogo website will host Black Girl Single at where fans can support the production of the online film series.
Added to the portfolio is Ithaca Studios' first t-shirt design. Approved by the ministry leads at the First Baptist Church of Glenarden, this t-shirt carries the logo of the Information Technology Ministry on the front and catchy phrase iServe @ FBCG on the back. The shirt is for members of the IT Ministry to wear at functions representing their passion, support, and service with First Baptist Church of Glenarden. To see the design displayed front and back visit the portfolio publishing section for labels. The T-Shirt can actually be ordered via VistaPrint's website.
So Ithaca Studios is capable of designing and developing websites to be responsive using the Bootstrap formula. With the guidance of UX/UI designer Irina Kuzes, the INCATech, LLC official website operates via Responsive Web Design (RWD). RWD is widely used on websites so that the display can adjust and function on mobile devices. In time the Ithaca Studios website itself will be using RWD to maintain its portfolio.
04/21/2014 -
Passing the Knowledge to Others
Classes entitled WEB DESIGN DONE RIGHT 101 & 201 on HTML & CSS with Ithaca Studios' Harry Jones IV as the instructor will be held this week and the next at the First Baptist Church of Glenarden (FBCG) followed by the 301 class on WordPress with instructor Rudy Duke. Through FBCG's Institutes class program the members of the Information Technology Ministry at FBCG volunteer to be instructors for the computer classes scheduled on the FBCG Institutes website. More information and tutorials about web design and programming can be found at Become more involved in the world-wide web.
11/05/2013 -
Sailing Back to Ithaca
The war is over and Ithaca Studios is returning to assist clients on the local front. Look for updates with new client Dance Moves Me and additional portfolio pieces of web design and web sites performed with the Office of Inspector General. Also don't forget to like Ithaca Studios on Facebook at
03/20/2013 -
Off to Conquer the Trojan War
Only leave Ithaca to fulfilling the Oath of Tyndareus. With the call to duty in being employed by the Federal government once again, Ithaca Studios has to take leave and is unable to accept new clients seeking to build websites for their business. Hopefully this service will not be long in which a possiblity to accept new clients and big projects may come available in October of 2013. On the meantime, current accepted clients may still receive maintenance and update requests as needed.
01/17/2013 -
Old Client with New Media
Borden Insurance Agency was one of the first clients supported by Ithaca Studios that started a relationship starting in 2002. After developing a static website, business relations and basic website content managment continued until this day. Now in the new era Borden Insurance is pushing on-line video advertisement which is now visible on their website. Check out the new on-line ads in their Media tab at
12/10/2012 -
Back Down the River
Our previous client the First Baptist Church of Back River, Maryland requested to upgrade and redesign the website we established in 2007. You can check out the finished product with the new design at Extra features include an AJAX alternating side panel image and photo gallery windows.
11/20/2012 -
New to the New Orleans
Working under Paltech, Inc., the production of the 19th National Conference on Child Abuse & Neglect website is on way. The website is being hosted at which will be located in New Orleans of 2014 sponsored by the United States Department of Health & Human Services: Children's Bureau. Stay tuned as this website updates in content while using an Ithaca Studios design and a newly customized interactive image slider developed using AJAX coding skills with a content management control.
09/04/2012 -
A New Éra in Évent Planning
K. Lanaé & Associates sought Ithaca Studios to do a logo for their fashionable event planning business. With some sparkle and some twist a logo was produced in hopes to do more with business cards and website development. They have started a website on Facebook at
06/01/2012 -
A Portfolio; Not a Business
Ithaca Studios recently produced some web designs for our client Nikia Andrews and her bakery business Just Velvet Desserts that can be found in the Web Design Portfolio. She continues to use the logo and business cards designed by Ithaca Studios to market her business and maintains a web presence on Facebook here at With the request to produce a website, Ithaca Studios accepted and initiated some designs. But after processing her requests and requirements for a design, not much was needed from my end that she couldn't do herself. So Ithaca Studios opt-out and offered recommendations for a simpler system such as WordPress via a hosting company to save her money and time. Ithaca Studios is not out looking for your money or business; just building a portfolio while providing the best solutions to see clients and small businesses visible on the web.
04/05/2012 -
Transitioning Back to Desktop Publishing
With some recent clients such as Transition Day Support Services, the portfolio for publishing on the Ithaca Studios website is once again expanding. Check out some of the recent advertisements designed in the portfolio here: Portfolio > Publishing > Advertisement. True believers and dreamers should enjoy this.
03/05/2012 -
Recovered & Back 2 Business
After completing an exodus from GoDaddy's system to Viux's well supported ColdFusion system, Ithaca Studios is proud to announce the B2B Recovery Group website at is back on-line. To learn more about Viux web hosting plans and ColdFusion support system, please visit their website at Ithaca Studios is recommending all clients requiring a dynamic website and fellow web developers to use Viux's web hosting system, excellent customer support, and Plesk control panel.
02/23/2012 -
Transitioning to Completion
Transitions Day Support Services is closing in on finalizing their website and domain location. Currently the new website is hosted at with the look and feel produced by Ithaca Studios. Measures are taking place to secure their previous domain redirects or is replaced with the new design. It is expected that the new site will upgrade in capability and functionality over time.
02/03/2012 -
Swan Dive Into the Internet
Currently working with Divine-Affinity, LLC to build their business a web presence on the World-Wide Web. Some content still needs to filled and updated but the template is at least live with some design tuning in the near future. Hoping to have a full finished product by the end of this month. View the construction in progress at
12/15/2011 -
Salvage After GoDaddy's GoFusion
Some pretty poor customer service and decisions made on GoDaddy's end has forced numerous of clients from their hosting plan with GoDaddy. With GoDaddy's decision to opt-out the use of ColdFusion services, Ithaca Studios has taken steps to salvage websites owned by customers who have not been able to transfer over to Viux Hosting Plan with ColdFusion in a timely matter. Replacing client's websites with a static layout has been the temporary fix for their business until they are able to migrate over to Viux. Taking action to salvage the Thoms Family website and all it's Facebook like programming, the website is now located at under Ithaca Studios' own account with Viux.
09/02/2011 -
Web Hosting Changes For Customers
Learned from that they will probably be letting go of their ColdFusion services in the next 3 months. To all customers setup using GoDaddy and a CMS Administrator Login tool, you may loose your functionality come 2012. If this occurs, we will be moving to where Ithaca Studios is hosted at. Ithaca Studios was going to switch to GoDaddy in 2012 until today when told in a call with a GoDaddy representative about the ColdFusion drop. Viux's website is not user friendly to read but will still have ColdFusion and the lowest prices come 2012.
08/19/2011 -
AF Webmaster to Thoms Webmaster
Appointed the offical Webmaster of the Thoms Family at the last family reunion work began in August for the construction of the Thoms Family website at The domain was established by the late Calvin Johnson, Jr. with his Reach For Your Roots project and now it is being used continuing his and the Thoms Family legacy. With expectations to finish in September the website will contain a Facebook like login account for family members, online group functions, event planning, photo gallery, and eventually a genealogy map to track the family lineage.
07/26/2011 -
Divine Resurrection
Well it looks like Ithaca Studios has returned to the working fold for local businesses and friends. With the U.S. government unable to manage their dollar, the need for the Webmaster in their midst is no longer on their schedule. So with another friend in need, Ithaca Studios has offered services for logo design as well as potential for a new website for their business. By fall of 2011 the introduction of the event planning and decoration design business called Divine-Affinity, LLC will be what to look for.
05/23/2011 -
Transitioning To The Last
With the incapability to resist a friend and a small quick start project Ithaca Studios is supporting the logo, desktop publishing, and web design of the business Transitions Day Support Services. With establishing a logo for this family business, we will be soon approaching the web development phase of their website at to hopefully complete the new look and feel this summer.
04/11/2011 -
Red Rum with Our Last Business
Ithaca Studios is looking to checkout since the Webmaster may return to the government sector this spring. But why not do it in style. So with our last client for the year, Ithaca Studios is proud to present Just Velvet Desserts managed by friend and baker Nikia Andrews. Looking to leave a dent in your taste buds, Nikia is doing business with her fabulous red velvet cupcakes and special receipe. Ithaca Studios is glad to add a logo and business card to her business world. You may find more information on Just Velvet Desserts at the Facebook fan page located at
01/06/2011 -
18th NCAN Conference
As an web developer of Paltech the advancement of the National Child Abuse & Neglect website is taking new directions from my development. Released from Paltech's services the website is hosted at where the website is maintained using a content management tool. Sections are currently down waiting for content updates and schedule releases but will reveal new programming options in registration, photos, and abstract submissions then the previous years.
11/12/2010 -
Is It Not To B2B Website
Launching next week is the month long project of the Business to Business (B2B) Recovery Group website. The website is in production right now at The owner is expected to have content to populate the website next week using the content management tool built by Ithaca Studios. This site will soon be added to the portfolio as the opportunity for more clients has opened up again.
09/07/2010 -
Is Licensed to Shadow Box
Ithaca Studios has upgraded most client websites that are using photo galleries and pop-up windows to display images and photography with the JQuery Shadow Box. Now images display on the screen shadowing out the website behind them and they have the option to perform a slideshow. This technique has been added to Emerald Engagements at, to The 7th Shot at, and to our own STAGE: VGC project at Check out these websites and see what Ithaca Studios can do for you.
05/28/2010 -
Supporting Design Businesses
Ithaca Studios has been supported by experts in fields of photography, web development, and multimedia. So I would like to post some credit to groups such as Blue Jade Studios who has produced amazing photography on behalf of Ithaca Studios including my headshot photo. In the fields of Flash and multimedia I would like to give credit to Byron Gray of Gray Works who assisted in the production of the Black Woman World website. And with past business relations I want to make sure clients are aware of local talents such as Real Vision Designs for 3-Dimensional design and web support and Nguyet Vuong with New Way Design who has amazing work transcending art, graphics, and web design.
04/02/2010 -
The Stage: Video Game Concepts project is back on with the new addition of AJAX code to the website the news section and opening page will be completed by April 7th. News post and video game ideas from then on will continue on this site as the creator Harry Jones begins a marketing plan to push this website and its ideas to video game producers across the United States. Take a peek at STAGE: VGC at anytime at and get an eye full of the long time game ideas of McBoon: the Vampire Hunter, Vampire Nation: Domination of the World, and the next story copyrights of 2010 Sky Fire, the Sandman: Saviour of Dreams, and From the Dragon.
01/19/2010 -
Bells Will Ring with this Launch
Completed today, the web site hosting Emerald Engagements is ready for her owner and our client Tara Goushas to take over. Keep an eye on this web site if you are planning your wedding or if you just want to see her fill it with the content and photos from today on using the Administration CMS tool built by Ithaca Studios. Check one of the best web site designs at
01/01/2010 -
Going Global with Pal-Tech
With the opening of the new year, Ithaca Studios is proud to announce the develop of a few new web applications that will be launched behind the scenes on Pal-Tech's Intranet. Some of these applications that will be announced in a Pal-Tech brochure this year will be a ColdFusion developed Intranet calendar, upgraded document loader, inventory tracker, and multiple other form tools. In addition to the Intranet new releases are the websites that are close to completion for other contract groups as HSRC and OCAN. Some of these items will be added to the portfolio under websites and under web development by the end of this month. These newest applications such as the calendar will also be accessible to clients that request services from Ithaca Studios.
10/24/2009 -
Launch of the Largest Web Site Project
Black Woman World Enterprise has confirmed the launch of their web site project at The web site supports information on the business world as well as a membership login and processing capability allowing users to post and market their business to the web site. This has been the largest web project to build taking approximately a year to get to this launch point. Small work and adjustments are most-likely to occur until 2010 as this watchful eye maintains over it. Majority of the programming was performed in ColdFusion as the Flash Intro and E-Suite animation was created by Byron Gray at It has been a pleasure working with Black Woman World Enterprises to make this happen.
10/09/2009 -
Wedding Plans?
Not mine. But there are plans to spruce up the website for Emerald Engagements. So check out the new client's current website now at because by the end of November it's going to look a whole lot better. Template regulated websites are okay. But to really touch on what you want... You need to see the professionals.
07/22/2009 -
Continuing to Reach For Your Roots
Today is a sad day for my client and cousin Calvin Johnson Jr., who owned Reach For Your Roots, passed away today. It hurts me greatly for he was an inspiration to the Thoms Family in uniting us every year and tracking our past heritage and legacies. His work lives on in his book "Who Came Before Me?," with his family, with the Thoms and Lightfoot Families whom he recorded in his book, and with his website at You will be missed and always loved Calvin Jr.
04/07/2009 -
Family Can Be the Best Clients
It has been a few months since a news post has been pushed up on this site about Ithaca Studios activities. Well some clients are coming to a closure with their projects looking to lauch to the public soon. With them wrapping up, new clients are welcome to contract for work again starting with a member of the Thoms Family and his business Reaching For Your Roots. So far a logo has been decided and a small website to support the book and consulting services should appear by May this year.
12/30/2008 -
The 7th Shot Web Site & CMS Production
As a probono case for friend and inspiring D.C. photographer and artist Tia "7" Hall, The 7th Shot website has been made available via Ithaca Studios services. The artist "7" is currently using and testing the CMS tool to upload her photo gallery on the site. The site can be found at
11/06/2008 -
Updates on Clients & Schedules
As Ithaca Studios whines down on completing the Cuban Cigar Smoker website where you can find the construction at, we will be proud to present a new client with the a website expected to launch at the beginning of the new year. Apparently, this one has to be on the hush. Ithaca Studios in conjunction of the STAGE project is also working on pushing up a website to market a cartoon series for Vampire Nation. With these three projects and the two pro-bono cases for 7th Shot Media and the Thoms Family, Ithaca Studios is pretty booked to the end of this year. Outside of minor graphic design tasks, Ithaca Studios will be looking to see whose available in 2009 for website development once again with our proud new President of the United States.
10/15/2008 -
STAGE Project Progress with Trip to SF
Just returned from San Francisco, California where video game companies such as Sega, Lucas Arts, and Double Fine reside. While out there some designer contacts put me on to EA located in San Jose. There will be a second trip where more photos will be taken besides this one of Sega's front desk. On the meantime check the progress with the STAGE: Video Game Concepts project at the website built by Ithaca Studios at
09/26/2008 -
PS24 Music Band Website Banner
In support of a coworker that is in a DC band producing Folk-Hop music, a set of graphic banners were created. The banners advertise for the band PS24 and their Myspace page at Most of their Folk-Hop performances are done live at BusBoys & Poets near Washington, DC's U Street hang out area on 14th Street. Look for more on this group as they update their Myspace and venues. As for the web advertisment banners, you can see a set posted in the Portfolio: Web Graphics area.
09/11/2008 -
Antonio the Cuban Cigar Smoker
The summer ends with this project for radio personality Antonio the Cuban Cigar Smoker. Client is seeking to expand his career and marketing capability with a logo and professional promotional website. With the logo complete look for the website this coming month of October.
08/28/2008 -
Performing Flash Animation Work
It has been a while since I have had a project that required Flash animation. Under the hands of Pal-tech for the Call For Papers contract a Flash animation project has been added to the Ithaca Studios project once again. As an Internet flyer for the 17th National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect you may view the animation posted here: Believe it... more Flash work is to come.
08/15/2008 -
Work with Adam Tech Dropped
Found out today that an associate of mine was unable to win the contract with a Japanese electronic on-line shopping company called Adam Tech. The associate assigned the task of submitting logo designs and banners from this studio. Since the assignment has been dropped, the work can now be found in the portfolio under Web > Web Graphics nad Publishing > Logo/Identity. To view Adam Tech's current site visit and see how it could of been improved from this studio work.
08/04/2008 -
Beginning of Eye Reflection Media
Client who started Education Teaching Consultants has begun a photography and multimedia production business with Eye Reflection Media. Both logos can be found in the Ithaca Studios portfolio under Publishing. Look forward to future website marketing productions for both companies.
07/31/2008 -
Add 3Ds Max to the Skill Set
After years of attempting to get a class to study 3D Studio Max, it has finally occurred with the assistance of the IT chief of Pal-Tech. A new era is opened to the Ithaca Studios production along with an advancement to the designs that will follow in the STAGE VGC Project. Be prepared to view 3D graphic images added to the work and portfolio of Ithaca Studios.
07/11/2008 -
Client & Partners with CHOICES 4 You
Choices 4 You Consulting, LLC is not only a new client but will be assisting with STAGE: VGC to finish the business project. Hopefully there will be a relaunch of the STAGE: VGC project by the end of this year. Need to get the ducks in order and doing it alone is somewhat a struggle. So sometimes even the professionals need to let the professionals do it. Look for future Ithaca Studios designs and layout to be applied here:
07/07/2008 -
Howard G. T Design
Completed an assignment for comedian Howard G. who Baltimore and D.C. natives might recognize as Grandma G. with his commercial coined phrase "Kiss My Bumper." Produced a design for the comedian to use on his T-shirts and did an illustration as well. I placed a sample of both in the portfolio. Look for one in Desktop > Labels and the other in Illustration > Designs. Looking to get him to update his website as one of my next projects.
06/23/2008 -
Quick Work for Air Force Department
Got a quick request from my old team to fix-up an old poster for their 2008 conference. Its wise to archive old files to reuse but to get it done right they look to me. Getting those features to output right for the printers and publishers can be tricky. "Sometimes you just have to leave it to the professionals." Since this was work on the wimb and is similar to a previous job, you may not find this one hanging in the portfolio.
06/05/2008 -
Air Force Legacy
It's an honor to still see the logo with the banner I designed for the Air Force e-Publishing division still present on the home page of their recent public web site. Sorry I cannot display what designs they used by me on their private side. If I'd show you, ... well you know what will happen. Check the official pubs and forms of the Air Force and the web migration process and direction I led as Webmaster in 2007 at
05/09/2008 -
Jon Bibbs Performance
Since my last post was on Conan and my plans to travel to New York... now pushed to July (so busy), figured why not post about one of my favorite music artist Jon Bibbs coming to DC. Got so hyped about it, I made a fast mini-graphic in Photoshop (that's how it's done big Bro) and posted an event on Facebook.
05/02/2008 -
Illustration Portfolio: Paintings Updated
My Illustration portfolio has been updated with paintings from my University of Maryland Art Department days with James Thorpe. Three portraits are available with Conan O'Brien, A Tribe Called Quest, and Jack Nicholson as the Joker. I will be travelling up New York this month to see the Conan O'Brien Late Night show. Hope that he will accept my gift.
04/15/2008 -
CIP Web Site Redesign
While working under Pal-Tech I have worked on the Court Improvement Program (CIP) web site. Recently I have been requested to redesign and update the site. Now view the new look and feel of the CIP web site here:
03/28/2008 -
Game Art Additions
Finally remembered to add the McBoon animated video to my Illustration portfolio under Cartoon. Now planning to return to the STAGE VGC project to post more drawings and writings on the site as well as build the home page.
03/19/2008 -
Helping a friend with a class project. It is a question to post this in my portfolio or not. But here is the site I've been working probono for: Living With Pets. Even though it's setup for an educational project, it's getting more interesting over time.
03/10/2008 -
Portfolio Updates
The portfolio section has been updated with more pieces from publishing work with the Air Force. Also check the updates with the Portfolio: Illustration section. More posts in this section will come.
Recent visits to Univ. of MD resurfaced a piece of the Black Explosion history with the Going Down comic strip. Check the old cartoon strip linked in the portfolio at
And also check the 2001 animated flash project for Department of Resident Life at Univ. of MD here:
02/15/2008 -
Launch of the new Ithaca Studios
Introducing the new look and feel of the Ithaca Studios web site. This web site hosts the portfolio of web and graphic designer Harry Jones IV. With the new content management tool built into the web site expect posts of news and art work regularly. Visit the business section of the site to see what services Ithaca Studios can provide your business.